Communicator for Mac 2011 is a service that helps to provide real time association between users sitting in different locations. It works with MS Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and can be utilized via different modes of communication i.e. Instant Messaging, Web conferencing, Audio/Video conferencing and Presence etc. Users can add list of contacts to Communicator account that consists of co-workers and its associated networks. Communicator for Mac 2011 can be availed as a part of MS Office for Mac 2011 and in separate version for licensed customers. In this following segment we will discuss about following topics:
- Installing and configuring communicator for Mac 2011 on a corporate network
- Connecting communicator for Mac to Office Communications Server
- Uninstalling Communicator for Mac
Installing Configuring Communicator for Mac 2011 on a Corporate Network
There are two ways to install communicator for Mac 2011 on corporate network i.e. you can either install it by Apple Remote Desktop or can install it from software distributing point. Let us discuss them in detail:
- Apple Remote Desktop: Communicator for Mac 201 uses Apple Installer for configuration that uses .pkg format. It is compatible with Apple Remote Desktop and applications installed uses AppleScript methodology.
- Software Distribution Point: Users can also download installation image to centralized location like network file server. Then by using drag and drop method users can install image to their respective computers and install Communicator.
Pre- Requirements
- Information related to company like e-mail address, domain name, user name and password.
- Domain Name System server (DNS SRV) resource record for automatic automation of network settings.
- For manual configuration, an IP address or domain name along with instructions of using Transport Connection Protocol (TCP) or Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Install Using Apple Remote Desktop
- Copy Apple Installer to writable disk and set Apple Remote Desktop to begin the process of installing Communicator to user system.
- It is recommended for users to lock the system screen while installing Communicator while installing due to security measures. By default Apple Remote Desktop 3 or later provides option to lock the screen while installing.
- Make selection for computer systems from Apple Remote Desktop window and click ‘Install’. Click ‘Add’ option and again click ‘Install’ to continue the process. This will help to install new software automatically without the consent of user to all connected remote clients.
Install From Software Distribution Point
There are two ways to install Communicator via Software Distribution point i.e. install from the central location or manually configure the connection to the office Communicator Server.
**Step 1: Installation from Central File Location
- Keep the installer package file to central location on network for sharing further with other users.
- Allow users to access shared folder by granting permission for the network file.
- Install Communicator by double clicking on central file from sharing location and follow all other instructions appearing on computer screen.
**Step 2: Manually Configure to Office Communications Server
- Click ‘Preferences’ from Communicator menu and then click ‘Account’
- Click ‘Manually configure settings’ from My Network Settings
- Provide IP Address or Domain name of the Office Communicator Server
- Click TCP or TLS and then ok to complete the process.
Connecting Communicator for Mac to Office Communications Server
Communicator for Mac client uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) to stay in connection with Office Communication Server. If TLS is not available then as successor TCP (Transport Connection Protocol) can be utilized to launch the connection.
For TLS connection it is required to have X509 certificate to validate the server with the Communicator client. This is because when server uses certificate then user don’t have to install certificate rapidly. In order to have complete installation of certificate user must have full access to certificate file. Follow one of the below summarized procedures depending upon you use Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or Mac OS X v10.6 (Snow Leopard).
Install Certificate In Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard
- In order to install certificate to Max OS X v10.5 user should primarily add X509 Anchors to Keychain Access.
- Open Keychain Access and click File menu.
- Click ‘Add Keychain’ and select the X509Anchors keychain from following location: System/Library/Key chains.
Now after you add X509Anchors to Keychain access, you are required to add root certificate to Anchors.
- Open certificate file (.cer) by double clicking on it.
- Click X509Anchors from pop up menu and click ‘Ok’. Provide administrator details if you are asked to provide login details.
- Click ‘View Certificates’ to crosscheck information about certificates.
Install Certificate In Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard
- Go to Applications > Utilities and open Keychain Access.
- Drag the root certificate to Keychain login window.
- Check on ‘Always Trust’ option to complete the process.
Process of Uninstalling Communicator for Mac 2011
- Login to computer system by providing Administrator credentials
- Close Communicator if in running mode.
- Drag Microsoft Communicator Application and drop it to the Trash folder.
- In order to remove current Communicator preferences follow these steps:
- Delete the following files:
- Users/username/Library/Preferences/
- Users/username/Library/Preferences/ByHost/MicrosoftCommunicatorRegistration DB.xxxx.plist
- Users/username/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Microsoft Communicator User Cache.plist
- Users/username~/Library/Preferences/
- Users/username/Library/Logs/Microsoft-Communicator-0.log (this file is present only if you turned on Communicator Logging)
- Now delete Microsoft Communicator Data and Microsoft Communicator History folders from Users > Username > Documents > Microsoft User Data.
Note: By deleting Microsoft Communicator history folder all conversations will get permanently deleted from conversation history.

Mayra Cristina Lovato

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